Yesterday was a fun, chill Sunday. I went surfing again, but the waves at Honolii weren't quite as easy to ride so I ended up doing worse! But it was still a lot of fun. I also saw "Year One," a very lame comedy with Jack Black and Michael Cera. I laughed, but mostly to keep from crying. Luckily it was only $1 to see it because the Kress Theater is amaaaazing! I hope they keep bringing in good movies before I leave because it's a really nice theater and a good way to pass a couple hours.
Today was fairly uneventful – Jake and I went into the field to pick up the Malaise traps. There were TONS of moths in one of our traps, and the dust from their wings actually prevented them from falling into the solution and dying! So we ended up with a couple bags of partially-live moths, which has never happened before, and which required a lot of maneuvering to keep them from flying away. It was pretty sunny in the kipuka, although it also drizzled whenever the clouds came over. I don't like when the weather is so bipolar because I have to keep taking my raingear on and off... but such is life! It was quite pretty (see photos). We also sorted a couple bags of leaves and branches. It was SUPER EXCITING! (Maybe not so much).
We got off work early, around 3, so I got to Skype with Sam for a couple hours. I love Skype!! What an amazing invention. I also cooked up some stir fry, and packed my duffel bag for HCC!
HCC is the Hawaiian Conservation Conference, an annual conference about all the big research projects being done on the Hawaiian Islands. It’s a really big deal, and Tad arranged for Jake, Devin, and I to attend! I’m really excited because it’s the only real Hawaii-centered conference other than Professor Vitousek’s meetings, and they have some really cool speakers lined up. I’ve never been to anything like this so it should be an experience. I’ll be back really late on Thursday and have to work on Friday, so I won’t be able to update until then. See you on the flipside!
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