Wednesday, December 2, 2009


This week has been really low-key - it's literally dead week! We have no classes, so we're just researching and writing our final research papers. I learned how to use the program Statistica to run ANOVA one-way and repeated measures tests (they're even more complicated than they sound) so I feel very empowered. I managed to run all my data through Statistica to come to the conclusion that none of it is significant, but that's still a form of data so I feel like I can finally move forward and get on with my paper.

It's been pretty humid and hot here, so I've been spending lots of time in the library to stay in the air conditioning. It's actually a good incentive to get work done! It rained and thundered a couple days ago - summer in Australia is hot, raininy, and humid. Nice is small doses, but I'll be happy to get back to the Bay when it's time.

Back to researching! I'll leave you with this photo from our Bing Dinner at the Opera House - there was a thunderstorm happening while we were waiting to go in, and Joyce took this photo. It was INCREDIBLE!

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